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Friday, February 22, 2008

mixing emotions!

Even though I left home really late as you can see on my latest post, my day has been really long and I've been really dizzy all way through it! I went to my only lesson of the day where I didn't manage to learn anything about Chemistry at all. I was really tired and couldn't manage to get out of my seat afterwards so I stayed with my classmates during their Biology class. Too bad I don't have to go there since I got away with taking the class cause I was really interested.
After spending some hour with my friends in town, I went strolling around myself later looking for something to buy. I've been looking for a spring/autumn jacket for such a long time and I really do think I've found t-h-e jacket for me! Unfortunately, I don't have a picture to show you for you to give me some feedback but do look at their collection. Rut m.fl., which is what the store is called, means something like Squares and more. Interesting name?
Finding this amazing jacket I noticed that I was standing next to about 10 Thai teenagers in the middle of Gothenburg! I recognized the language right away but as soon as I heard more and more words that I understood, I stood there as cute little shy girl and couldn't managed to talk to them. I wanted to say something. Meh.
I've visited Thailand once every year since I was 13. Except last year, my parents went without me and invited my sister and her boyfriend instead. That sounds evil, but the truth is that I turned their offer down. I was naive, in love, and I guess you can call me stupid 7 months ago! I basically gave up my second home country that I only get to visit once a year for my boyfriend that was my first love.
Want to know more? Sorry. It feels like I've got stones on my eyelids, it's completely impossible to keep them open!

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